Friday, August 31, 2007


surprisingly i still remember that i
had created a blog cos the previous times, i kind
of forgot all about it the next day itself. anyways, i still
havent got any 'general' issue, vaguely interesting, to share so i am
going to devote this post to whining..

things have become such a technical routine right now.
i mean i know that it is part of the PROCESS but still, it offers
no motivation or encouragement. and it doesnt really help when
you're unnecessarily lugging EXCESS emotional baggage around.
i wish i had a choice. actually nope. i KNOW i do have a CHOICE
but for some bizarre ridiculous reason it's just hard to throw aside.
and i think its pretty pointless for me to go around whining to the whole
world about it. i mean at the end of day it is my battle. and only I can do
something about it. yup. only I can. grrr..

well thankfully it doesnt seem to have that detrimental an effect upon
the larger scheme of things but even so... i suppose anyone could do
WITHOUT all of this. but then again, as the QUEEN of SCREW-UPS, not so
surprising that i land myself in what i
land myself in. but its not ENTIRELY my fault.. right?? LOL.

*i love the way i exercise self-pity.*

not just that.. based on all these reflections i have just come to realise that..
i am a bad BAD friend.
possibly a BAD STUDENT.
and the list just goes on.
goddammit. it's orite.. nothing is beyond repair.
it's bad when it could be WORST. so yes some hope left!.

and whining has finally gotten to me.. i sound like an annoying
old woman. oh well, i am pretty darn SURE that there are fellow
beings who share similar sentiments at the current moment.
so i'll seek consolation in that. and yes to you fellow beings!
you're NOT ALONE. lol ok i think i am SLEEPY. but NOPE it's
time for TAGANOMICS. ahh what could be more refreshing than math
at this hour. i know.. COFFEE and COLDPLAY.

till another (hopefully not as boring) post,


Anonymous said...

u're not aloneee. u have mee diiiiii

sugu said...

haha. that's really nice to know.
it'll be better if i know who exactly i have..?